We have an PDF which contains errors. If i open it in Adobe it asks to save a new version and if i check it using an online pdf validator it gives a number of errors.
If i however open it in Aspose PDF and check it for error the Check method returns true as if the pdf has no problem.
I use the following code to validate the pdf:
Document pdf = new Document(“D:\temp\test2.pdf”);
bool test = pdf.Check(false);
The test boolean is true. However the file should not verify.
test2.pdf (159.2 KB)
Mark Krommenhoek
Thanks for contacting support.
We have logged an investigation ticket as PDFNET-47750 in our issue tracking system for the sake of further investigation. We will look into details of it and keep you posted with the status of ticket resolution. Please be patient and spare us little time.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Can you please give me an update?
The issue has been logged under free/normal support model and has low priority. We regret to share that it is not yet resolved and will be investigated on a first come first serve basis. We will surely keep you posted within this forum thread as soon as we make some progress towards its rectification. Please spare us some time.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
The problem is not explained correctly in the first thread.
The PDF-file is generated by Apose during the conversion from .docx to .pdf.
11911-004C v1 - Overeenkomst van onderaanneming zonder WKA (2).zip (101.7 KB)
I’ve uploaded a Word document (in a zip-file) which can be converted to pdf by Aspose (Words 19.5.0) but ends with a corrupt PDF. Can you explain why the conversion fails?
As per your latest comments, the issue seems related to Aspose.Words. We request you to please create a separate topic in respective category where you will be assisted accordingly.