Chinese Character to pdf error

Hi, I using aspose.cells.

I using the following code to convert excel to pdf:

Dim workbook As Aspose.Cells.Workbook = New Aspose.Cells.Workbook()

Dim fstream As FileStream = New FileStream("c:\\test2\\chinese-v2.xls", FileMode.Open)

workbook.Save("c:\\test2\\chinese-v2.xml", Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.AsposePdf)

Dim pdf As Aspose.Pdf.Pdf = New Aspose.Pdf.Pdf()

pdf.BindXML("c:\\test2\\chinese-v2.xml", Nothing)


However, the chinese character do not show.

the font is using Arial Unicode MS,

It is ok when I try to convert WinWords to pdf, but not in the cells.dll. Please help.

Regards, Paul

Hi Paul,

Thanks for providing the template files (.xls and .pdf).

We will figure out the issue soon.

Thank you.

thanks, any update on this problem?


We have fixed the issue and will attach the fix here in a short while.

Thank you.


Please try this fix(Aspose.Cells + Aspose.Pdf).

thanks, it can show chinese characters correctly,

but row1 to 5 repeat more than 1times.

Please check. thanks


Well, I checked you MS Excel template file, in the first worksheet "Viewing Schedule", you have set some rows to repeat at top option. In Ms Excel, click menu option i.e., File|Page Setup| and click the Sheet tab of the page setup dialog box, you may check "Row to repeat at top" is filled as "$1:$4", so you have remove it.

Thank you.


But if I going to insert some rows into the worksheet, will it repeat the first 4 rows as page header if I remove "Row to repeat at top"? or I need to do that by the code?



Well, you can remove it both way i.e., manually removing it opening the template file into MS Excel or using Aspose.Cells APIs.

Thank you.

If I remove it, the first 4 rows will not repeated on every page, right?

I need to repeat the top 4 rows as page header. So, I can't remove it, right?

Any advice? thanks.


How can I help you and what kind of advice you want. Well, if you do need to repeat some title rows, you 'd better not to remove it ....simple! :).

Thank you.