Chinese word distortion

Please see the attached image file and original doc file, we call Aspose Word api and get the image file back, you could see the last 4 chinese word distorted.

Thanks for help!

Hi Will,

Thanks for your inquiry.

Perhaps you're using an older version of Aspose.Words; as with Aspose.Words for Java 13.2.0, I was unable to reproduce this issue on my side. I would suggest you please upgrade to the latest version of Aspose.Words i.e. 13.2.0. You can download it from the following link:,

I hope, this helps.

Best regards,


We use 13.2.0, could you show me the example code you use in your site, the output image file?
Best Regards,


I mean that the problem happen with using 13.2.0.

Hi Will,

Thanks for your request. I have attached the output PNG image here for your reference; this was generated on my side using the following two liner code:
Document doc = new Document(“c:\temp\test.doc”);“C:\Temp\out.png”);
Could you please double check Aspose.Words’ JAR version by unziping ‘Aspose.Words.jdk16.jar’ file. Navigate to ‘META-INF’ folder and then open ‘MANIFEST.MF’ with Notepad. There you’ll find something like below:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Specification-Title: Aspose.Words for Java
Specification-Vendor: Aspose Pty Ltd
Implementation-Title: Aspose.Words for Java
Implementation-Vendor: Aspose Pty Ltd
Release-Date: 2012.06.30

Moreover, please supply us with the following information:

What environment are you running on?
OS (Windows Version or Linux Version)?
Architecture (32 / 64 bit)?
Java version (JDK)?

Best regards,

It works! Thanks a lot!

Hi Will,

Thanks for your feedback. It’s great that the latest version of Aspose.Words resolves your problem. Please let us know any time you have any further queries.

Best regards,