Aspose.Slides for Java: Cloning TextFrame Animation Does Not Work


As i see it, the addClone() method on slideCollection doesn’t clone the animation on the textframe. Is it an error or a known behavior ? Or if you can suggest a possible solution for the animations to also be cloned, i would gladly take it. I am using it in Java.

Thank you.


I have observed the information shared by you and request you to please share the source presentation, generated presentation and working sample code to investigate the issue on our end. Please also try using Aspose.Slides for Java 17.6 on your end as well if you are using some old version.

Thank you for the answer.

Here is the wrapper constructor:

    AsposePresentation(InputStream presentationInputStream) {
        this.presentation = new Presentation(presentationInputStream);

The AsposePresentation class implements IPresentation. And here is the merge:

  IPresentation mergePresentations(List<IPresentation> iPresentations) {
    this.source = iPresentations;
    final Dimension2D size = iPresentations.get(0).getPresentation().getSlideSize().getSize();
    for(IPresentation iPresentation : source) {
        for(ISlide slide : iPresentation.getSlides().getiSlideCollection()) {
    result.getPresentation().getSlideSize().setSize((int)size.getHeight(), (int)size.getWidth());
    return result;

The issue is that on some of the slides, after merging (or simple cloning) the transition animation on the textframes only works if a key is pressed and not automatically as it does in the original.

Cloning and merging without functionality and design loss is a keyfeature we really want, if this resolves we are sure to buy the product.

Thank you in advance.

Here is a presentation which we used for testing purpose: (1.2 MB)


Please accept my apology for the delayed response. I have worked with source presentation shared by you using Aspose.Slides for Java 17.6 on my end and have not been able to observe the issue of lost animations in saved PPSX. I have used following modified sample code on my end. Can you please verify the shared presentation and point to any slide with missing animation effect.

 public static void mergePresentations()

    String path="C:\\Aspose Data\\Presentation\\";

    IPresentation iPresentation=new Presentation(path+"Presentation Global Country Argentina.ppsx");

    IPresentation result=new Presentation();     // this.source = iPresentations;

    final Dimension2D size = iPresentation.getSlideSize().getSize();
    result.getSlideSize().setSize( (int)size.getWidth(),(int)size.getHeight(),SlideSizeScaleType.EnsureFit);
    for(ISlide slide : iPresentation.getSlides())


} (1.1 MB)

Hello again,

Sorry for the long skips in the answers.
The presentation you sent us has the same issue. On slides, which has bullet list in it, the elements of the bullet points has an animation transition. In the presentation you have sent us the animations only trigger if a key is pressed, instead of being time based.
I am not aware in what application did you test it, but please have Microsoft Office 2010 installed. So the use case is:

  • On the third slide, the elements of the bulletpoints should appear one after the other with some delay.

Thank you


I have observed the information shared by you and have been able to observe issue with bulleted animation effects. An issue with ID SLIDESJAVA-36544 has been created in our issue tracking system to further investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be automatically notified once the issue will be fixed.

Dear Support,

Have you got any update on this topic?

Thank you in advance!


I have verified the issue status from our issue tracking system and regret to share that at present the issue is still unresolved and is blocked owing to implementation in .NET as well. We will be able to share good news with you as soon as further information will be shared by our product team.

Dear support,

Meanwhile we have purchased the product, and we are waiting for the resolution of this issue.
Have you got any update on this?

Thank you in advance.


I have verified the issue status from our issue tracking system and regret to share that at present the issue is still unresolved and is blocked owing to implementation in .NET as well. I have increased issue priority from medium to high and i have also requested our product team to share further feedback regarding this issue. We will be able to share good news with you as soon as further information will be shared by our product team.

Dear support,

Have you got any ETA for the fix on this issue?

Thank you in advance


I have observed your comments. I like to share this issue is going to be resolved tentatively in Aspose.Slides 17.9. We will share good news with you soon.

Dear Support,

As far as i see the Aspose.Slides 17.9 has been released already, could you please clarify if this has been fixed the issue?

Thank you


I have observed your comments. I like to inform that this issue has been resolved in Aspose.Slides 17.9. Please share feedback with us if there is still an issue.

Dear Support,

I can confirm that the animations are now working correctly in the new version.
However unfortunately during the cloning process the text formatting not cloned properly.

Please have a look at the attached presentations:

Original file: Presentation Germany Agricultural Logistics (DE).ppsx
Result: yourPresentation.ppsx

The code i am using:

    IPresentation mergePresentations(List<IPresentation> iPresentations) {
    this.source = iPresentations;

    final Dimension2D size = iPresentations.get(0).getPresentation().getSlideSize().getSize();
    for(IPresentation iPresentation : source) {
        for(ISlide slide : iPresentation.getSlides().getiSlideCollection()) {
    result.getPresentation().getSlideSize().setSize((float)size.getWidth(), (float)size.getHeight(), SlideSizeScaleType.Maximize);
    return result; (2.2 MB)


I suggest you to please try using following sample code on your end to serve the purpose. It is able to generate the presentation with correct text sizes.

public static void TestCloneAnimation()
    String path="C:\\Aspose Data\\presentation(1)\\";
    Presentation iPresentation = new Presentation(path+"Presentation Germany Agricultural Logistics (DE).ppsx") ;
    Presentation result=new Presentation();
    final Dimension2D size = iPresentation.getSlideSize().getSize();

    for(ISlide slide : iPresentation.getSlides()) 
} (1.1 MB)

Dear Support,

Thank you for your assistance, i can confirm that everything is working fine.
But please let me know, that compared to the 16.x versions this version is significantly slower.

Thank you and kind regards,


You are right that are known performance issues in Aspose.Slides for Java 17.9 and we have shared this information in concerned release notes as well. The performance shall be continually improved for API in subsequent product releases.

Dear support,

We have deplyoed version 17.11 but it still having performance issues.
Have you got any ETA for the resolution of this?

Thank you and kind regards,


I agree with your concerns and like I shared earlier that performance of API shall be gradually improved in coming product releases.