Column Formatting

I am creating a spreadsheet via code in VB.Net (no designer).

I have the following code to set the column cell formats:

cells.Columns(2).Style.Custom = "#,##0;[Red](#,##0)"

cells.Columns(3).Style.Custom = "#,##0;[Red](#,##0)"

cells.Columns(4).Style.Custom = "#,##0;[Red](#,##0)"

Then I read some data and populate the spreadsheet:

Do While dr2.Read()

cells(x, 0).PutValue(Trim(dr2.Item("Customer")))

cells(x, 1).PutValue(Trim(dr2.Item("CustNo")))

If Not IsDBNull(dr2.Item("MSales")) Then

cells(x, 2).PutValue(CDec(Trim(dr2.Item("MSales"))))

End If



Then, based on the number of rows used I add some borders and a totals column:

range = sheets(0).Cells.CreateRange(3, 2, x - 1, 1)

range.SetOutlineBorder(BorderType.LeftBorder, CellBorderType.Medium, Color.Black)

cells(x + 1, 0).PutValue("TOTALS")

cells(x + 1, 2).Formula = "=SUM(C4:C" & x & ")"

Here is the problem, when I add the all the code after the loop, all of the code doesn't work any longer.

Any ideas on how to perform this correctly?

Keep in mind, I am using the demo software.



Hi David,

Thank you for the report. Please try this attached fix.