columnWidths="20 20 20 20 20 20" causes dllhost 100% process

I have a table that contains 6 columns, and i want to set the column widths…

If i leave out the columnWidths="" then nothing freeses, and the pdf is generated, but the table rows are off the side of the page…

Once I try to set column widths, the pdf won’t generate and my cpu goes to 100%…


ps: is there is way to get all the columns to fit within the table and make sure that the table doesn’t expand beyond 500px

Dear stiki,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

Would you please provide the complete code that causes 100% cpu process?

What does “all the columns fits within the table” mean? Do you mean no hyphenation needed?

I have a table with 6 columns… I’m trying to set the width of these 6 columns…

once I specify the width of the 6 columns in this table the process goes to 100%…




Sell Price



Dear stiki,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

This bug has been fixed. Please download hot fix here.