Comparing Recurrence Patterns

Is there a way to compare two RecurrencePattern objects to see if they are the same pattern?

Here's is my testing scenerio in C#:

1. I've created two (2) RecurrencePattern objects and loaded the object with the exact same pattern via the .FromiCalendar method. NOTE: I am using the demo version of iCalendar for evaluation purposes.

RecurrencePattern patternInit = RecurrencePattern.FromiCalendar("DTSTART:20040101T233000\r\nRRULE:FREQ=DAILY");

RecurrencePattern patternUpdated = RecurrencePattern.FromiCalendar("DTSTART:20040101T233000\r\nRRULE:FREQ=DAILY");

2. When I evaluate the 2 object together, the evaluation returns false when I'm expecting true since the objects are implementing the same pattern.

? patternInit == patternUpdated


3. When I evaluate the 2 object together using the .Equals() method, the evaluation returns false when I'm expecting true since the objects are implementing the same pattern.

? patternInit.Equals(patternUpdated)


4. When I evaluate the objects via the .ToiCalendar() method, they evaluate to true.

? patternInit.ToiCalendar() == patternUpdated.ToiCalendar()


Is using the .ToiCalendar() method the correct/preferred/best way to evaluate if two Recurrence Patterns are the same or should the RecurrencePattern objects be comparable?

Any insight would be helpful and thanks in advance for any responses.


>> patternInit == patternUpdated - false
>> patternInit.Equals(patternUpdated) - false

Aspose.iCalendar does not override "Equals" and "==".
The default implementation of these operators supports reference equality only, that is, whether the references refer to the same object.

>> patternInit.ToiCalendar() == patternUpdated.ToiCalendar() - true

Aspose.iCalendar.ToiCalendar() returns the recurrence pattern as a string in iCalendar format.
It is an only way to compare Aspose.iCalendar objects values.