Confusing errors if saving Powerpoints as PDF in one process but in different threads parallel


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Kind Regards,


I have tried to access the thread but I don’t have access to it. Can you please share the issue with all necessary details like sample code and source project with us.


ok, i want to convert several Powerpoint to PDF in parallel threads (same process) and get some confusing Exceptions:
InvalidCastException, Das Objekt des Typs “System.Drawing.SolidBrush” kann nicht in Typ “System.Drawing.TextureBrush” umgewandelt werden.
ArgumentException, Ungültiger Parameter.

If i convert the same files synchron, no error happens!
Is there a special way or “best practice” how to convert Slides parallel?

Kind Regards,

Kind Regards,


I have observed your question and like to share that Aspose.Slides is a thread safe library and does support multi-threaded application. In order to reproduce the issue further on our end, I need to have a sample Visual Studio project along with source files reproducing the issue. I am also assuming that you are using latest Aspose.Slides for .NET 20.5 on your end.