Content at carriage return not being display properly

Hello there,

1) I’ve a lablel template selected from the Microsoft Word. After calling Aspose.Word to perform mail merge, I realized that content with a carriage return has a white space infront of it .

501 Orchard Road #07-03
Wheelock Place

The above data is capture as:
501 Orchard Road #07-03 (enter to goto the next line)
Wheelock Place

2) In another template which was created using the field->insert merge field method, the display is something like:

desc 1desc 2

It should have been:
desc 1
desc 2

How could this be resolved?


Hi Ben,

Can you please send this file to for examination.

Hi Romank,

I’ve sent in 2 samples files. Do let me know if you need more info.


Hi Ben,

I’ve got the samples. Did not manage to find time to look at them, but will do in the next 2 days or so.

Hi Ben,

How the carriage return is represented in your source data? It is probably CrLf (which is two characters), is it? At least it looks like it because I actually realized I had a test for source data that contains carriage return and it works without inserting extra spaces.

Have a look at this recent topic

I think you need to replace your CrLf combinations with just Cr #13 character and the space will disappear. I see it might be inconvenient to do in the code because if your is stored in the database in this way you just want to retrieve a table and give to Aspose.Word without playing around much. Maybe I should make Aspose.Word translate CrLf into Cr automatically.

Yes, you can download Aspose.Word 1.1.4 which always replaces CrLf with Cr because CrLf does not make sense in Word documents.