(8.3 KB)
could you please check whether this file is fine or not? What version of Aspose.CAD do you use? (129.7 KB)
Yes, this EMF is good. What did you do differently?
Runtime version
nothing special, just commented out colors (with the latest 24.4):
//cOption.BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent;
//cOption.DrawType = CadDrawTypeMode.UseObjectColor;
Do you have simplex_.ttf installed in operation system?
I do not have simplex_.ttf. Do I need it? I also need the resulting EMF to be transparent, so I need those options included
Where do I get that from?
I installed the simplex font on a standalone machine and ran the code. It did not work. Does autocad need to be installed on the server/pc where the conversion is taking place, in case there is more to it than the font, to get the correct rendering?
no, AutoCAD is not required. But DXF/DWG drawings may use fonts typically included by Autodesk in AutoCAD distribution. For instance, in this drawing the default “simplex” font is used for text, but “±” symbol is written with another “gdt” font. We will investigate what we can do here in the scope of CADNET-9762.
Thanks. Keep me posted. Also do I need to update to Aspose.CAD 24.4?
Thanks… Any updates?
Following up … to see if there are any updates
So, this file uses SIMPLEX and GDT fonts. That’s good idea to have both of them. The file stores “±” symbol using special GDT font, so accent symbol “`” just corresponds to “±” in GDT font. If there is not such font you can see accent instead of “±” and the same is applicable for other special symbols. So, if there is no such GDT font it is possible only to map proper symbol explicitly:
string fileName = "a010001020_1.dxf";
using (CadImage img = (CadImage)Aspose.CAD.Image.Load(fileName))
List<CadEntityBase> filteredEntities = new List<CadEntityBase>();
foreach (var entity in img.Entities)
if (entity is CadDimensionBase)
CadDimensionBase cadDimension = (CadDimensionBase)entity;
// replace special sequence %%p that marks "±" symbol
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cadDimension.Text) && cadDimension.Text.Contains("%%p"))
cadDimension.Text = cadDimension.Text.Replace("%%p", "±");
CadBlockEntity block = img.BlockEntities[cadDimension.BlockName];
foreach (var blockEntity in block.Entities)
if (blockEntity is CadMText)
CadMText cadmText = (CadMText)blockEntity;
if (blockEntity is CadText)
CadText cadText = (CadText)blockEntity;
// replace accent for gdt with the correct symbol
if (cadText.DefaultValue.Contains("`") && FontNameFromStyle(cadText.StyleType, img.Styles) == "gdt")
cadText.DefaultValue = cadText.DefaultValue.Replace("`", "±");
var cOption = new CadRasterizationOptions();
cOption.PageHeight = img.Height * 600;
cOption.PageWidth = img.Width * 600;
//cOption.BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent;
//cOption.DrawType = CadDrawTypeMode.UseObjectColor;
cOption.GraphicsOptions = new GraphicsOptions { TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.SystemDefault, SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality };
var options = new EmfOptions() { };
options.VectorRasterizationOptions = cOption;
img.Save(fileName + ".emf", options);
private static string FontNameFromStyle(string styleName, CadStylesList stylesList)
foreach (var style in stylesList)
CadStyleTableObject styleTable = (CadStyleTableObject)style;
if (styleTable.StyleName == styleName)
return styleTable.PrimaryFontName;
return null;
Thanks for this. I am trying to compile this code but I cannot resolve “CadEntityBase”. What dll is this type defined in?
this example is written for the last Aspose.CAD for .NET 24.4, please try to use CadBaseEntity instead, it was renamed for recent versions.
Awesome. This works. Now how do get the special GDT font?
it looks like this font is supplied by Autodesk, but probably you can find some versions of it available for free, you can try if it is a suitable replacement in practice.