Conversion from .pptx to .pdf is very slow

Hi There,

I am evaluating the Aspose java library to convert pptx to pdf. I tried using the provided examples from github. The converted pdf looks good but it took 72 seconds to convert and memory utilization reaches 4GB. Is there any way to make it faster and if possible reduce the memory consumption?

I am using below code and using aspose-slides 15.5.0 version.

Presentation ppt = new Presentation(file.toString()); + File.separator + file.getFileName().toString() + ".pdf", SaveFormat.Pdf);

The pptx is 5.4 MB, has 43 slides and has lot of charts and images.



Hi Manish,

I have observed the information shared by you and like to share that rendering time of presentation depends on size of slide, number of slides and content inside the slides. I like to add here that we are continually striving to improve the API performance and it will certainly get improved in upcoming versions.

Many Thanks,