Conversion issue on docx to pdf

Hi Team,
Issue in the converted PDF.

Requesting a work around solution to solve the issues in the attached documents.

sample1: (2.1 MB)

sample2: (1.4 MB)

sample3: (1.1 MB) (40.6 KB)

Thanks & regards,
priyanga G


While using the latest version of Aspose.Words i.e. 18.5, we managed to reproduce these issues on our end. We have logged the following issues in our bug tracking system.

WORDSNET-16931: Vertical line appears between Shapes in PDF (
WORDSNET-16932: Lines in Shapes got dimmed during rendering to PDF (
WORDSNET-16933: Content of text boxes missing in PDF (
WORDSNET-16934: Text box content renders partially in PDF (

Your thread has also been linked to these issues and you will be notified as soon as they are resolved. Sorry for the inconvenience.

A post was split to a new topic: Conversion issues docx to pdf


Regarding above issue, we have completed the work on your issue and have come to a conclusion that this issue is actually not a bug. So, we have closed this issue as ‘Not a Bug’. Please see the following details:

This issue could be fixed by setting PdfSaveOptions.OptimizeOutput. Lines will look bolder in Acrobat Reader.

Document doc = new Document("D:\\temp\\sample2.docx");
PdfSaveOptions opts = new PdfSaveOptions();
opts.setOptimizeOutput(true);"D:\\Temp\\awjava-18.6.pdf", opts);


Regarding WORDSNET-16931, we have completed the work on your issue and come to a conclusion that we would not be able to implement the fix to this issue. Your issue (WORDSNET-16931) will be closed with ‘Won’t Fix’ resolution. Please see the following analysis details:

The problematic line is, in fact, shading of a space between inline shapes in the first line. It is visible if the document is zoomed in MS Word, too.

There is a space between the two inline shapes in the first line. It has black shading and sz 0 in document.xml. The line has the height of the shapes and so the shading of a very narrow space between them appears as a vertical line.

The shading is visible in MS Word 2016 at zoom 300%. It is visible in MS Word PDF export result msw-2016.pdf in Acrobat Reader at zoom 800%. It may become not visible again at higher zooms, but is, in fact present in the documents.

So the presence of a space with black shading in the layout looks correct to us. Shading visibility depending on zoom factor is not likely to be imitated by Aspose.Words. Please see the analysis above.

So, you may remove the shading or remove the problematic space as a workaround.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-16933) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for .NET 20.7 update and this Aspose.Words for Java 20.7 update.