Conversion to DocBook?

Is there any way to have Words.NET convert to docbook format or if not, are there any plans to support this format? Also, was there some way in the past to have Words.NET (or pdf.NET) convert to an internal XML format? I seem to have read mentions of such a format in other forum posts but have found nothing in the current documentation related to this.


Hi Andrew,
Thanks for your interest in Aspose.Words.
I’m afraid the DocBook format is currently unsupported. There haven’t been many requests for this format, but if there is further interest express we will look into supporting this in a future version.
I believe the XML format you are referring to was the intermediate XML file produced by Aspose.Words and passed to Aspose.Pdf in order to render a document to a PDF. This XML format is not related to the one in the DocBook format. Also saving to the Aspose.Pdf format was removed from Aspose.Words in the latest version, because it has been replaced with the direct rendering method.
If you have any futher inquiries, please feel free to ask.

We are looking at potential xml output formats. I know OpenDocument is supported but I was wondering if this intermediate XML output format is still possible to be output by Aspose.Words. Was the functionality completely removed or is it available and just undocumented?

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for your request. It was possible just in case of using legacy method of PDF conversion. But this method was excluded from the latest version of Aspose.Words. So there is no way to convert a document to intermediate XML.
Best regards,