Convert active sheet to PDF

Is there any way to convert the active sheet to a PDF file?



Hi Adam,

Yes, you may try to hide your unwanted worksheets for your requirements, e.g.., Consult the following line of code.

workbook.Worksheets[sheetIndex].IsVisible = false;

Thank you.


Thank you for considering Aspose.

Aspose.Cells only exports the visible worksheets in a workbook, so you can hide the un-wanted

worksheets in your workbook before saving it as PDF. Please see the sample code for your


Sample Code:

//Create a Workbook.
Workbook excelWorkbook0 = new Workbook();
//Open a file into the workbook.
//Hide the first two worksheets , so that the remaining sheets can be exported to PDF.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)

excelWorkbook0.Worksheets[i].IsVisible = false;
//Save the file.
excelWorkbook0.Save(@"C:\FinalBook.pdf", FileFormatType.Pdf);

Thank You & Best Regards,