Convert ColumnWidth to centimeter or inch


Is it a method in Aspose.Excel to convert ColumnWidth to centimeter or inch.
If not, is a formula exists to do this conversion ?


This method doesn’t exist yet. We will add it in the future release. It will be available before the start of next week.

Aspose.Cells has replaced Aspose.Excel that is no more under active development now. This new product has all the latest features of MS Excel as well as support for the features of its predecessor product. You can get and set column width in inches that can be further converted to centimeters.

Here is a sample code that can be used to retrieve the column width in inches.

    // Instantiating a Workbook object
    Workbook workbook = new Workbook();

    // Accessing the first worksheet in the Excel file
    Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
    double colWidthInch = worksheet.Cells.GetColumnWidthInch(0);
    double colWidthCm = colWidthInch * 2.54;
    Console.WriteLine($"Width in Inches = {colWidthInch}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Width in Centimeters = {colWidthCm}");

Program output:

Width in Inches = 0.666666666666667
Width in Centimeters = 1.69333333333333

For more information about working with rows and columns, refer to the following article:
Rows and Columns

For trials purpose, download the latest version here:
Aspose.Cells for .NET (Latest Version)

Here is a ready to run solution which can be used to test the product features with minimal effort.