Convert .DOC to PDF rescales page size

We’re evaluating Aspose.Words for converting MS/Word .doc and .docx files into PDF files, and it looks like the conversion output has problems:

  1. The text on the PDF pages appears to be about 85% of the size of what it is in the original DOC file.
  2. Legal size (8.5 x 14) pages get converted (and spread out across) plain size (8.5 x 11) pages.

I’ve attached an example DOC file and the resulting converted PDF file.
Q1. Does the Aspose.Words.Document object use all of the sizing and page layout info from the original DOC file?
Q2. If so, how does that info get preserved in the converted PDF output file?


Thanks for your request.

  1. As I can see, size of text is correct and matches with size of text in the original Word document.
  2. Size of page is also ok, see the attached screenshot.

Best regards.

Okay, sorry about that, I did not check that.
But while the page size is the same (8.5 x 14), it appears that the spacing between the text lines is slightly larger in the PDF than in the original DOC file; this results in the original one-page text to span two pages in the PDF. Is this something that can be controlled during the conversion process?


Thanks for your request. As I can see both Word document and PDF document have two pages. In PDF document only one line of text is moved from the second page to the first page. This might be caused because you do not have all fonts used in the document installed on your PC.
Do you have “Helv” installed on your PC? If so, please attach it here for testing.
Best regards.

No, I do not have the Helv font installed. I can see that there are several lines in the original DOC file using that font, which I assume is being converted into the default Arial font in the PDF.
Assuming I do install the Helv font, is it different enough that this would make the conversion to PDF exact?


Thanks for your inquiry. I cannot promise you that the output PDF will look exact as source DOC file, since I do not have this font installed as well. If you have this font, please attach it here and I will check it on my side.
Best regards.