We purchased Aspose Word Java API to use it for converting DOCX to PDF
Everything is going well except “lines justification low or high in Arabic text” it always lost.
Attached is same code and docx file which used for our testing:
we are using Aspose word 15.3
License lic=new License();
com.aspose.words.Document doc=new com.aspose.words.Document(new FileInputStream("1.docx"));
PdfSaveOptions option = new PdfSaveOptions();
option.setNumeralFormat( NumeralFormat.ARABIC_INDIC) ;
doc.save(new FileOutputStream("1.pdf"),option);
Hi Ahmed,
Thanks for your inquiry. It would be great if you please share some more detail about your query. Please also share the screen shots of problematic section of output document. I will investigate the issue on my side and provide you more information.
Thanks Tahir for your reply, I attached a word file contains only four lines and I applied word justify low for it this makes the line extended to the end of the file as attached ( all lines are aligned left).
I called a java code which send in first message to convert it to pdf using Aspose.Words and the file lost it layout (justify layout)as attached
Hi Ahmed,
Thanks for sharing the detail. I have tested the scenario and have managed to reproduce the same issue at my side. For the sake of correction, I have logged this problem in our issue tracking system as WORDSNET-11830. I have linked this forum thread to the same issue and you will be notified via this forum thread once this issue is resolved.
We apologize for your inconvenience.