Convert DOCX with header or footer to HTML

I need to convert DOCX to HTML format. But my DOCX contains header and/or footer, pagination. After convertation I get HTML text, in which contained at the begining of the text - header, and at the end of the text - footer. Цhen converted back, I get a text header in the beginning of the document, and the footer at the end of the document


Thanks for your inquiry.

It is hard to meaningfully output headers and footers to HTML because HTML is not paginated. When HtmlSaveOptions.ExportHeadersFootersMode property is PerSection, Aspose.Words exports only primary headers and footers at the beginning and the end of each section. When it is FirstSectionHeaderLastSectionFooter only first primary header and the last primary footer (including linked to previous) are exported. You can disable export of headers and footers altogether by setting this property to None.

Best regards,