Convert Error in Aspose.pdf For java

Convert Error in Aspose.pdf For java

Hi there,

Thanks for your inquiry. We will appreciate it if you please share some more details about the error details and sample code. So we will look into it and guide you accordingly.

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Best Regards,

You can convert it to html,so you can know the error!

Hi there,

Thanks for your feedback. I have tested PDF to HTML using Aspose.Pdf for Java 10.4.1 and unable to notice any issue. Please download and try latest version of Aspose.Pdf for Java, hopefully it will resolve the issue.

//Instantiate Pdf document

com.aspose.pdf.Document pdf1 = new com.aspose.pdf.Document(myDir+"01.pdf");

//Save the Pdf"temp/01.html",SaveFormat.Html);

Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance.

Best Regards,

I have also tested the conversion scenario over separate Windows 7 (x64) machine in Eclipse Juno project with JDK 1.7 and I am unable to notice any issue. As per my observations, the resultant HTML is properly being generated. For your reference, I have also attached the HTML generated over my end.

Can you please share some details regarding your working environment. We are sorry for this inconvenience.

Hi there,

In addition to above reply. Please double check whether you are testing same file that shared in above thread or different, as your code shows file with different name i.e. pdf_1.pdf.

Best Regards,

Hi there,

Thanks for your feed back. Yes it seems contents are same. However please also share pdf_1.pdf along with some environment details to replicate the issue at our end. I am afraid it is difficult to suggest you anything without replicating the issue at our end.

We are truly sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Best Regards,