Convert JPXDecode/JBIG2Decode to DCTDecode

Hi Team,

We are trying to convert the image object of a PDF which has the encoding type with JPXDecode/JBIG2Decode to DCTDecode encoding,

We have added the code, it is working for some file but not filtering as images for the file attached here, I need you support to filter the image object and convert the encoding format or image object,

I have attached the sample code(AsposeJpgTest.docx)
AsposeJpgTest.docx (3.3 KB)

we tried and sample file (vendor_copy.pdf)
vendor_copy.pdf (466.8 KB).


Would you please confirm which version of the API are you using at your end? Have you tried with 24.6 version?

Yes. we are using 24.6 version


We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PDFJAVA-44178

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