Convert ppt to pdf part of image is missing


We have a web application which convert power point file (ppt MS2003) to pdf file using 2.0.

We’re current experiencing issue where part of image is missing in the converted pdf file.

Apose components:

  • Aspose.Pdf 3.9
  • Aspose.Pdf.Kit 3.3
  • Aspose.slides

We would need this issue to be resolves quite urgently, so please let us know if you need any other information.

Many Thanks

Dear Kenny,

Thanks for reporting.

We will look into it and fix the problem as soon as possible.


Can you please attach the original PPT file?

You can also get the latest version of Aspose.Slides for .NET from this link.


Please find ppt file in attachment as requested.

Can you please help us resolves this issue as soon as possible as our client is chasing us up on this everyday.

Many Thanks,


Can you please paste your code? We are unable to replicate this error.

Sub PPT2PDF(ByVal sInfile As String, ByVal sOutFile As String)

' Open presentation file

Dim pres As Aspose.Slides.Presentation


'applying licences

Dim oSlidesLicense As Aspose.Slides.License = New Aspose.Slides.License



pres = New Aspose.Slides.Presentation(sInfile)


End Sub

Please see the generated PDF. It seems to be ok to me. Is there anything missing? Please clarify.


The image that is partly missing is on page 2, please note the 2 red arrow pointer, please compare to original document.

Thanks for clarifying it. Now I can see the problem.


Currently arrows and any other line cap styles are not supported in pdf rendering. It will be implemented in the future.


Thank you for your response, I would like to know when Aspose is planning to support arrows and line cap in image along with pptx extension. In the mean time, are there any ways to get around these issues?

Many Thanks,


Yes, it is in our plan to support it, as a workaround, you can get the slide image in SVG or BMP format and add it in output PDF using Aspose.PDF.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 7725) have been fixed in this update.

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