Convert pptx slides to single svg image

Hello, I was able to convert a powerpoint presentation into various svg images with the code below, but I whant to convert the pptx presentation into a single svg image. How can I do that?

com.aspose.slides.PresentationEx presentation = abrirDocumentoSlide(arquivoOrigem, caminhoLicenca);
int lastSlidePosition=presentation.getSlides().size();
SlideEx slide =null;
for (int i = 0; i < lastSlidePosition; i++)
//Accessing Slides
slide = presentation.getSlides().get_Item(i);
slide.writeAsSvg(new FileOutputStream(patch + i + “.svg”));

Hi Thander,

I have observed the requirements shared and like to share that support for SVG export is available on slides level instead of presentation level. The sample code that you have shared is also exact depiction of the same. We have options like Tiff, HTML and Pdf exports available on presentation levels. Please share if I may help you further in this regard.

Many Thanks,


so instead o using PresentationEx I should use Slides?
Can you please post an sample code for me? At the moment I need to export to svg format.

Best regards,
Thander Oliveira

Hi Thander Oliveira,

I think you are using old version of Aspose.Slides for Java. I suggest you to please try using Aspose.Slides for Java 14.10.0 on your end. The PresentationEx is no longer supported and is discarded.

Many Thanks,