Converted PNG byte size is varied in 'new Aspose.Diagram' component?


New Aspose. diagram, component (18.6.0) - returns 1423 bytes.
Old Aspose. diagram, component ( - returns 1424 bytes.

For the above issue, we have prepared samples separately with Old and New ‘Aspose.diagram.dlls’

Note: we removed the licence file. Also, we fixed the ‘PageSize -> Height & Width’ values.

Could you please analyze, why the new ‘diagram dll’ gives different value? (1.9 MB) (2.0 MB)


Please let us know how you have created the output PNG files, which you are using for the comparison purposes (Visio1.vsd.png). There could be the difference of a single byte because the latest version 18.6 includes the most recent features and enhancements. We recommend our clients always use the latest version of Aspose.Diagram API.


Thanks for your support. I will ask my team. Then I will inform.


Now we have changed the output file. It works fine. For your suggestion we use the latest version of Aspose. Diagram.



It is nice to hear from you that the problem has been resolved.