Converting a Presentation Throws PptxReadException (Landray RDM 176117)

ppt source code: (3.3 KB)

origin ppt files:
url: htt()ps://
access code: 07zw

you can remove () to get the source ppt file!

converted error:

Caused by:class com.aspose.slides.PptxReadException —> java.lang.NullPointerException — End of inner exception stack trace — Source) com.aspose.slides.Presentation.if(Unknown Source) Source) com.aspose.slides.Presentation.if(Unknown Source) com.aspose.slides.Presentation.(Unknown Source) com.aspose.slides.Presentation.(Unknown Source)

Please have a check.

Thank you for reporting the issue.

Unfortunately, I have not managed to download the presentation file from that resource. Please share it here (you can zip the file and upload it). It would be great if you could also indicate the following:

  • OS version on which the code was executed
  • JDK version in your app
  • Aspose.Slides version you used

windows and linux OS both.
Aspose.Slides 22.7.

Would u please give me a e-mail,cuz this file is too big,I could not upload it.

Please try using another file storage to share the presentation (like Google Drive or Dropbox, for example).