Converting meeting requests to MHTML


I am converting meeting request EML files (containing an iCalendar) to MHTML as follows:

var msg = MapiMessage.FromMailMessage(“c:\test\input.eml”);
var saveOpts = new MhtSaveOptions();
saveOpts.MhtFormatOptions = MhtFormatOptions.WriteHeader | MhtFormatOptions.RenderCalendarEvent;
msg.Save(“c:\test\output.mhtml”, saveOpts);

This works, but with the following issues:

  1. The MHTML version does not include the email header of the meeting request. It only includes the meeting information, such as the subject, start time and end time. It is not showing when the meeting request was sent, and the “From” and “To” information.

  2. It is not leaving a space between an organizer/attendee name and their email address. E.g. “Joe Bloggs(” ← no space between name and email).

  3. It is not parsing “\n” as line breaks in text fields (which it should, per the RFC: - 3.3.11. Text)

I attach a sample EML file, and the resulting MHTML (4.2 KB)

Can you please advise how to do this, or could they be fixed?



We have observed the problems you have mentioned. However, we need to investigate this in detail to consider it for any such further enhancements. We’ll update you with our findings after analyzing it in more detail.


We have logged these findings as EMAILNET-39091 for further investigation at our end and will update you here once there is some information available in this regard.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as EMAILNET-39091) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using BugNotificationTool from Downloads module by MuzammilKhan

Have just tested with version 18.9, thank you for looking at this but unfortunately the new line parsing is still incorrect. It no longer displays the “\n” escape code, but instead just ignores it, which means that multiple lines run together.

So, the earlier version produced the following location:

At my house\nLevel 4\n123 Park Lane

The new update produces the following:

At my houseLevel 4123 Park Lane

The expected/correct output should be:

At my house
Level 4
123 Park Lane


We were able to reproduce the issue that you reported. We are investigating this further and will update you here as soon as additional information is available.


We apologize for the inconvenience. This issue will be fixed in Aspose.Email for .NET 18.10 which is expected to be released by the end of this month.