Converting plain text to pdf adds blank page in the end


When i'm converting a plain text file to pdf, changing font, fontzise and color is working fine, but in the end always a blank page is added. I've added 2 attachements with source and result.

Off course it is possible to remove the last page from the pdf, but I prefer to have the correct page count directly after conversion. Please help me to fix this.

Code snippet

private const string textFont = "Arial";
private const int textSize = 10;
private Color textColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;


// read bytearray into Aspose Doc
Document doc;
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(file))
doc = new Document(stream);

// create new empty Doc and a DocBuilder
Document newDoc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(newDoc);

// Specify font formatting before adding text.
Aspose.Words.Font font = builder.Font;
font.Size = textSize;
font.Color = textColor;
font.Name = textFont;

// write text from doc into newDoc

// and save into stream and pdf
MemoryStream newstream = new MemoryStream();
newDoc.Save(newstream, SaveFormat.Pdf);


Thanks for your inquiry. Please use Document.ToString() method instead of GetText(). Here is how you should use it:


Best regards,

Thanks, problem solved!