Converting to PDF/A-1B has overlapped text

I try to convert my word document to PDF/A-1B with Aspose, but the text in the pdf are overlapped (see attachment). Also in the log from the Aspose.Pdf.Convert function it claims that Helvetica is not installed. But I have installed the Helvetica font and the Helvetica-Bold font on my machine.
I don’t have this problem if I just save it as normal PDF. This is just for PDF/A-1B format.
I have created a simple solution with the document where this problem raises. You just have to add the Aspose.PDF.dll and Aspose.Word.dll to it. Then you will see the resulted pdf where the text is overlapped and the log of Aspose.PDF.Convert in the logPdfFunctions.txt.


I am afraid, we do not see this problem when using the latest version of Aspose.Words for .NET i.e. 18.6 (see 18.6-PdfA1b.pdf (62.7 KB)). We used the following simplified code for testing our end:

Document doc = new Document("D:\\temp\\test.doc");
Hyphenation.RegisterDictionary("de-DE", "D:\\temp\\hyph_de_DE.dic");
PdfSaveOptions opts = new PdfSaveOptions();
opts.Compliance = PdfCompliance.PdfA1b; /*PdfA1a*/
doc.Save("D:\\Temp\\18.6-PdfA1b.pdf", opts);

Hello thanks for the reply,
but I have especially created a solution for you, because our code uses also other features of Aspose and the combination of these features raises this problem. When I run your code, I don’t get the problem, too. You will get the bug if you use also other features. It would be fine if you just run my code and see if you get the bug, too.
Thanks in advance


I am afraid, we are unable to reproduce this issue on our end when using the latest version of Aspose.Words for .NET i.e. 18.6 and latest version of Aspose.PDF for .NET i.e. 18.6. Please see final PDF output produced by using the code you provided test.pdf (139.2 KB). We suggest you please upgrade to the latest versions. Hope, this helps.

Thanks. That is correct and with the new version of Aspose there is no overlapping. We have checked it on our side. But still if you evaluate the log of:

        if (format != PdfFormat.v_1_5)
        using (MemoryStream logStream = new MemoryStream())
            pdf.Convert(logStream, (Aspose.Pdf.PdfFormat)Enum.Parse(typeof(Aspose.Pdf.PdfFormat), format.ToString()), ConvertErrorAction.Delete);
            using (FileStream file = new FileStream("logPdfFunctions.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))

which was in the code I sent to you (you can see the output in the logPdfFunctions.txt in the bin folder), then still there is this output (maybe also on your side):

1.0 Copyright (c) 2001-2018 Aspose Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 18.06.2018 10:17:29 The xref stream is prohibited The transparency is prohibited ('Group' key) Font 'Helvetica-Bold' is not embedded Font 'Helvetica' is not embedded Font 'Times-Bold' is not embedded CIDSet is missing or incomplete for font 'FAAABA+Wingdings3' Required property 'pdfaid:part' for schema 'pdfaid' missing Required property 'pdfaid:conformance' for schema 'pdfaid' missing

Why does it claim that some fonts are missing although they are installed in the running machine. I had also sent you the fonts that I have installed on the machine.
This is due to the fact that the document is produced correctly now.


We are glad to know that the problem of overlapping text has resolved. Regarding the log of conversion, would you please share the log file with us by zipping it. Please also share the PDF file that has been created by Aspose.Words API in your environment because we are only observing information about pdfaid:part in our log file. Kindly share requested data so that we may proceed further to help you out.