I have requirement in one of our applications where we need to convert MS Excel documents ALL Versions(.xsl,.xslx etc) documents into PDF.I would like to know whether Aspose would support this?
If so what products should I buy. Also I would like to know some technical details regarding the implementation. Would ASPOSE be providing the API's in form of JAR or LIB's that I would be integrating into my application or would ther be any Server Configuration Changes that I would need to perform. I would like to know these details before I can go ahead and consider your product.
My Application is Java Based Web Portal hosted on JBoss Server and Unix Environment. So I would like to know if your products would be supporting both Windows and Unix systems as well as have complete support for Java API.
Also I would like to get more information on Licensing and Support for these products.
DocuFindUser:I have requirement in one of our applications where we need to convert MS Excel documents ALL Versions(.xsl,.xslx etc) documents into PDF.I would like to know whether Aspose would support this?
If so what products should I buy. Also I would like to know some technical details regarding the implementation.
Well, Aspose.Cells for Java product would suit your needs, it can convert XLS, XLSX files (Excel spreadsheets) to PDF format. See the document for your reference:
(Note: Please use "Direct Conversion" approach which is more accurate and efficient)
For technical implementation, see some docs under the section:
DocuFindUser:Would ASPOSE be providing the API's in form of JAR or LIB's that I would be integrating into my application or would ther be any Server Configuration Changes that I would need to perform. I would like to know these details before I can go ahead and consider your product.
Yes, Aspose.Cells for Java comes as Jar files that can work equally fine on Windows and Linux/Unix environment. In fact, it will work fine on any environment which supports JDK. You may download our latest version v7.0.2:
When you unzip the release archive, please read "README_LIB.txt" file for your complete reference about the Jars included in the release archive.
DocuFindUser:My Application is Java Based Web Portal hosted on JBoss Server and Unix Environment. So I would like to know if your products would be supporting both Windows and Unix systems as well as have complete support for Java API.
Yes, it does support both Windows, Unix enviroments.
DocuFindUser:Also I would like to get more information on Licensing and Support for these products.
Please see the document for licensing. For more information about, licensing/pricing etc., please post a query in Aspose.Purchase forum, they would help you soon.
Moreover, please see the documentation of the product:
Thank you.
Checked the trail version Jar's.But were not able to completely convert the .xlsor .xlsx file into PDF,there were some Formatting Issues.Can we have a solution for this.Untill we get complete xlsx or xlsx into PDF,we can't purchase it.
Please attach your input XLS or XLSX file(s) here, we will check your issue to figure it out soon. Also, attach the converted PDF file(s) to highlight the issue.
Thank you.
Please find the attached Document
Converted DocuFind_FMEA.xls to DocuFind_FMEA.pdf using Aspose trail version.There are many formating issues.Please check the Attached Documents.
Also let us know this formats are supported by Aspose or not.
code used:
Workbook workbook = new Workbook("C:\\Users\\gs97782\\Desktop\\DocuFind_FMEA.xls");
Docufind User
I had checked it with new JAR FIles .It is Converting into pdf.But with some blank pages.Also our requirement is to merge MS-Excel all versions files into PDF.
//This code is for writing the Text into PDF.
com.itextpdf.text.Document document ;
document.write(data from MS-Excel doc);
Can we read the Excel document and write it to PDF or Can we convert a excel document into PDF and merge into already present PDF.
Can you let us know how can we acheive this through aspose?.
Yes, I can see some pages are blank, this is due to your Excel template file, you may confirm/check it by opening the Excel file into MS Excel and take the print previews of the worksheets.
For merging PDF documents, I think you may use Aspose.Pdf/Aspose.Pdf.Kit product, please ask Aspose.Pdf/Aspose.Pdf.Kit team, they will help you.
Thank you.
Also I have a question,Does Aspose Support All features of Excel,While Converting into PDF?
If No,Please let us know what are the features which are not supported by Aspose in MS-Excel?
Yes, it does support almost all the features of Excel while converting to PDF.
Thank you.
I tried some Excel Files to Convert to PDF Using Latest version .But there were some formatting issue and data loss.Can you please check the attachment.Let us know how to Solve.
Thanks for the files.
I can find the issue as per your posted output files with latest Aspose.Cells for Java version. This works fine if I use .NET version of the product. I have logged a ticket with an id: CELLSJAVA-40030. We will look into it soon.
Thank you.
We have made some enhancements for the generated pdf. However, it is hard for us to make the generated pdf exactly the same with what is shown in Excel.
Would you please try the new fix (Please try the attached version/fix: v7.0.3.3.) to check whether the output can fit your requirements? If you need more improvements, please point out to us the place where you need to improve it firstly, such as, using screenshots etc. We will make further investigation for that.
Thank you.
Our requirement is like we have some documents like Ms-word and MS-Excel ,this document need to converted into PDF and need to be printed.
my code for printing is below
com.itextpdf.text.Document document = new com.itextpdf.text.Document();
com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter writer = com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter.getInstance(document,resourceResponse.getPortletOutputStream());
//printing is possible with below method.
writer.addJavaScript("this.print(false);", false);
//below we are adding the pdf file using add method
now can Aspose parse excel sheets and provide it to document.add() method.So that it would be easy to integrate it with our Application.Or is there any other way to merge Excel sheet in PDF and Printing should be possible.
Docufind User
Your code is related to Aspose.Pdf product, so you 'd better ask them (you may post a query in the Aspose.Pdf forum) for your requirement.
For your information, Aspose.Cells for Java does have the capability to render PDF files by itself. Also, it can print Excel spreadsheets but not PDF files as Aspose.Cells is an Excel spreadsheet manipulation library not PDF manipulation library. See some documents for reference:
We had bought the license version of Aspose.
But I have a issue.Ours is an web application.
com.aspose.words.License lCell = new com.aspose.words.License();
Execution is stopping here.
When debugged the application, when the cursor is on this code(
com.aspose.cells.License lCell = new com.aspose.cells.License();
). It is directly moving to finally block.when Inspected the lCell variable, it is giving "lWord cannot be resolved to variable"
Can you please help on this.
Docufind User
The error shows that this might be due to your own code and not related to Aspose.Cells by any means. I am not sure regarding your IWord variable on how you declare and create it. I can see one issue with your code (you posted here) though i.e. you are defining ICell variable object for both Aspose.Words and Aspose.Cells simultaneously, you should use different variable objects for different products.
Thank you.