Convirsion of docm to docx

how to convert from .doc, .docm to .docx or similarly .ppt or pptm to .pptx and .xls, .xlxm or .csv to .xlsx using aspose respective components for .net


You can use Document constructor of Aspose.Words API to load .doc or .docm files and use Document.Save method to save to .docx.

You can use Presentation constructor of Aspose.Slides API to load .ppt or .pptm files and use Presentation.Save method to save to .pptx.

Similarly, you can use Workbook constructor of Aspose.Cells API to load .xls, .xlxm or .csv and use Workbook.Save method to save to .xlsx.

Best Regards,


thank you for your reply
but will macros behave same way?


You cannot create or execute macros using Aspose APIs but when you are converting some files with macros, those macros will be retained in the output files.

Best Regards,