Copying Shapes from Master Slides and Slide Layouts


I am trying to copy shapes from one master + layout slides in one presentation to another master + layout slides in another presentation. I am able to get the shapes in the same location (X, Y) co-ordinate as well as text / paragraph. What does not get copied is the TextStyles like Font/Size/Bullet style, etc. Can you please suggest how can I achieve that?

Here’s my code

private Presentation copyShapesInMaster(Presentation srcPres, Presentation applyToPres)

    foreach (IShape shape in srcPres.Masters[0].Shapes)

    foreach (ILayoutSlide layoutSlide in applyToPres.LayoutSlides)

    foreach (ILayoutSlide layoutSlide in srcPres.LayoutSlides)
        var applyToLayoutSlide = applyToPres.LayoutSlides.GetByType(layoutSlide.LayoutType);

        if (applyToLayoutSlide != null)
            applyToLayoutSlide.ShowMasterShapes = layoutSlide.ShowMasterShapes;

            foreach (IShape shape in layoutSlide.Shapes)

    return applyToPres;

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  • input and output presentations demonstrating the problem
  • version of Aspose.Slides you used

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