Coverting CMYK Color Values to Byte

Can someone please show me the proper way to creating a CMYK color for the Aspose.PDF.Color class, as it requires it to be in Bytes.

So, lets say I have these values:

C: 10.4%
M: 12%
Y: 100%
K: 25.55%

How would I properly create the byte that Aspose needs

Dim CMYKColor as Aspose.PDF.color = new Aspose.PDF.Color(??,??,??,??)

What goes instead of the question marks for the values indicated above. Thank you.

OK, I guess I just wasn't thinking. So all I have to do it seems is multiply it by 2.55, so the byte values for the above would become:

C: 26.52
M: 30.6
Y: 255
K: 65.1525

in bytes.