Creating PersonalStorage folders do not show unread message count

We have created some .pst files using PersonalStorage. We noticed that when viewing in Outlook, the folders with unread messages are not displayed as such in Outlook.

The screenshot shows two .pst files open in Outlook. The top one is the original .pst, the bottom one is the .pst we generated with Aspose.Email.

The second screenshot shows that there are unread messages in the folders, but the folder does not show this.

The last screenshot shows the difference between the MAPI properties of the .pst files.

Also, notice that “Inbox” does not display as a special folder, instead it appears as a normal folder.

I think the “Inbox” not showing as a special folder is because it is not recognized as a special folder. I noticed that Aspose.Email.Outlook.Pst.StandardIpmFolder does not contain Inbox, but it does contain the following:

Actually none of the special folders in StandardIpmFolder show up with icons in the new .pst file.

Maybe I am not adding this folders correctly. Is there something I need to do to show those folders with the icon in a newly created PersonalStorage?


Thanks for your continuous knowledge sharing with us.

I have re-generated the scenario here and found all your observations correct. I have logged a ticket NETWORKNET-33268 to my development team for analysis. I will let you know when I get some update on this issue.

Best Regards

The issues you have found earlier (filed as NETWORKNET-33268) have been fixed in this update.

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