When i set the format of a cell to ‘$ English (United States)’ In 7.0.1 4090 was coming back pre-pended to my currency value. I switched over to release 7.0.2 and now the 4090 is gone but there is no currency value at all. I have attached a very simple test doc to test this.
Value in model $500.00
7.0.1 value in c# = 4090500.00
7.0.2 value in c# = 500.00
The value expected in c# should be $500.00
Please use Cell.StringValue instead of Cell.Value, because values like numbers, dates, currency etc are all stored as integers.
Please see the code below and its output. I have used the latest:
Aspose.Cells for .NET v7.0.2.2
string filePath = @“F:\Shak-Data-RW\Downloads\Test.xlsx”;
Workbook workbook =
new Workbook(filePath);
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
Cell cell = worksheet.Cells[“A1”];
This happens also when i do this:
results = CurrentWorkBook.Worksheets.GetRangeByName(mappingField).ExportDataTableAsString();
Is there a work around for this scenario? Also was this a change to they way values are pulled in the latest release 7.0 + as rolling back to my production release the values work just fine in comparison to the first post.
Please provide us your sample code to replicate this issue.