Custom Legend Entries

Hi ,

I am using Aspose.cells in java and creating a scatter chart. My legend entries are not coming correct as I want. I have attached an excel sheet.

In the legend it is giving me category axis data i.e 79%,68% etc. But I want the names a,b,c…

I am using,
chart.getNSeries().setCategoryData(sheetName + “!A1:A”+values.size());
chart.getNSeries().add(sheetName + “!C1:C”+values.size(),true);
chart.getNSeries().get(0).setXValues(sheetName + “!B1:B”+values.size());

The above set Category data is not working. I have also tried:

But this also not working in the legend as well.

Kindly help asap.


Thanks for sharing some details and output file.

Please create your desired chart in MS Excel manually, save the file and post us here, we will check how to do it via Aspose.Cells APIs.

Thank you.