Custom Properties and Excel 2007

I have an Excel 2003 and an Excel 2007 file, each of which contains 3 Custom Properties:

Property1 = " "
Property2 = "Sheet1"
Property3 = "PrimarySheet"

The first property contains a space and the other properties contain sheet names.

When I open the Excel 2003 file with Aspose and read the Custom Properties I get all 3 properties as expected. But when I open the Excel 2007 file with Aspose and read the Custom Properties I get 2 properties; Property2 and Property3. Property1 does not get returned and that is a major issue for our application as we use these properties to determine what we need to do with a file. If I view the properties through Excel I can see all the Properties specified. Why is Property1 not getting returned?


Thanks for sharing some details about the issue,

Could you post your template .xlsx file with sample code here, we will check it soon.

And by the way which version of the component you are using?

Thank you.


After implementing your scenario, I can produce the issue you have mentioned.

We will figure it out soon.

Thank you.


Please try the attached version.

Thank you

Can I please get an extension of my trial version so I can try the fix?


If you are using a trial version i.e., using Aspose.Cells for .NET with a temporary license, for your info, the temporary license will be expired automatically after 30 days, But you can ask the Sales team again to get another one.

Thank you.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-6779) have been fixed in this update.

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