Customizing the ribbon


Is there a way to customize the ribbon in Excel 2007/2010 using Aspose.Cells?

Preferably by providing a Ribbon XML document (as documented here:

If it is not possible, please consider this a feature wish :-)



I am afraid Aspose.Cells for .NET is an Excel file formats’ manipulation componenet used to create, manage, convert Excel spreadsheets. It does not work with, manipulate or change MS Excel Application/Program or its interface. I am not sure if this can be possible.

Anyways, I have logged a ticket for it (ID: CELLSNET-40423.) for analysis for the relevant developers if this is can be achievable in future. Also, kindly accept my apologies in advance if this is not supported.

Thank you.


Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells for .NET.

1 - We can support keeping ribbon xml without parsing it.
2 - We will try to provide a property to get and set the ribbon xml data to Ms Excel later.

If you want to change ribbon xml, you will have to parse them by yourself with xml parser or other ribbon xml tools.

Let us know if it fits your need?


  1. We can support keeping ribbon XML without parsing it, we can support reading/writing Excel which has ribbon XML without parsing it.

  2. We will try to provide a property to get and set the ribbon XML data to MS Excel later on.

If you want to change ribbon XML, you have to parse them by yourself with XML parser or other ribbon XML tools.

Does it fit your need?

Thanks, Amjad!

2) Why would we want to parse the XML? We just want to pass it to Excel (via Aspose), so something like this:

string ribbonXml =





workbook.RibbonXml = ribbonXml;

Is that what you mean? If so, that would be great!



Yes this is what we meant, you will be able to get/set the ribbon data as mentioned earlier.


Do you have any idea when this could be available?



If the feature is easy to implement, then it will take 2~3 working days, if it is little complex, it could take a week or two. In case it is difficult to implement, it might take several weeks.


We have fixed this issue. Please download: Aspose.Cells for .NET



Workbook wb = new Workbook(“D:\test.xlsx”);

FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(“D:\customUI.xml”);

StreamReader sr = fi.OpenText();

wb.RibbonXml = sr.ReadToEnd();


The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-40423) have been fixed in this update.

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