Damage to the file was so extensive that repairs were not possible


I am using ASPOSE.Cells to create a spreadsheet. The output spreadsheet works great if opened and viewed in Office 2010. However, if I try to open the spreadsheet in Office 2003 we see the following error:

Microsoft Office Excel File Repair Log

Errors were detected in file 'U:\AsposeTest.xls'
The following is a list of repairs:

Damage to the file was so extensive that repairs were not possible. Excel attempted to recover your formulas and values, but some data may have been lost or corrupted.

I have tried both of the following methods in saving the report to a stream.

oWB.Save(oMemStream, SaveFormat.Excel97To2003);

My application which receives this stream then does the following to save the report to disk:
oWB.Save(@"D:\AsposeTest.xls", SaveFormat.Excel97To2003);

When the resulting file is opend in Office 2003 I get the above error. I need a solution arround this.Hi,

I am using ASPOSE.Cells to create a spreadsheet. The output spreadsheet works great if opened and viewed in Office 2010. However, if I try to open the spreadsheet in Office 2003 we see the following error:

Microsoft Office Excel File Repair Log

Errors were detected in file 'U:\AsposeTest.xls'
The following is a list of repairs:

Damage to the file was so extensive that repairs were not possible. Excel attempted to recover your formulas and values, but some data may have been lost or corrupted.

I have tried both of the following methods in saving the report to a stream.

oWB.Save(oMemStream, SaveFormat.Excel97To2003);

My application which receives this stream then does the following to save the report to disk:
oWB.Save(@"D:\AsposeTest.xls", SaveFormat.Excel97To2003);

When the resulting file is opend in Office 2003 I get the above error. I need a solution arround this.


Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells for .NET.

Please download and use the latest version:
for .NET v7.1.2.7

You issue should be fixed in the latest version.

If you are still facing the problems, then we will need your sample code and the source files replicating the problem.

We will look into it and help you asap.