Dealing with Tables with a Page Break


Right now I know of three ways to handle table behavior with a page break. The first is to have the whole table jump to the new page, the second is to have the broken row jump to the next page, and the third is to just have it break wherever the break occurs.

Can you include support for adding additional rows above the broken row when a page break occurs? We would like to use it as follows:

data data data
data data data

- page break

data data data
data data data

As of right now the data just picks up where it left off -- and sometimes there is only one or two more rows of information that makes the report look strange.


Dear Jbako,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

You can set the IsFirstRowRepeated to true to repeat the first row when breaking table. I will consider adding support for adding additional rows above the broken row when a page break occurs if you really need it.