Difference between aspose and word

Hello, i am loading a RTF, ive got difference between aspose and Word.

im using aspose v13.4.0.0 tested V14.3

I save the RTF in a text document that i change extension to doc and it show perfectly.

I load this document in aspose document and i save aspose document to another path and it is different.

Aspose load his document in Times new roman font size 10, Word load it in Arial 11

i attached both generated document.

here is the RTF

{\rtf1\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0 Times New Roman;}{\f1 Arial;}}{\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0 ;\red0\green0\blue255 ;}{\*\defchp \f1\fs22}{\*\defpap \sa200}{\*\listoverridetable}{\stylesheet {\ql\cf0 Normal;}{\s1\sbasedon0\ql\sb100\sa100\cf0 Normal (Web);}{\*\cs2\f1\fs22\cf0 Default Paragraph Font;}{\*\cs3\sbasedon2\f1\fs22\cf0 Line Number;}{\*\cs4\ul\f1\fs22\cf1 Hyperlink;}}\splytwnine\htmautsp\deftab708\sectd\marglsxn1800\margrsxn1800\margtsxn1440\margbsxn1440\pard\plain\s1\qj\sl129\slmult0\sa129{\f1\fs22\cf0 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tincidunt augue neque, bibendum venenatis magna tincidunt ut. Maecenas pellentesque dictum tellus id varius. In ut lectus eu dui molestie pretium. Maecenas fringilla sapien et lectus vulputate lacinia. Fusce vitae nisi ut nulla dignissim egestas quis nec turpis. Morbi a enim eget urna faucibus vehicula. Morbi elementum augue sed orci sollicitudin semper. Morbi rutrum massa sit amet auctor lacinia. Nunc ac condimentum metus. Praesent vehicula turpis mollis mattis aliquet. Quisque dapibus tempus posuere. Vivamus interdum, justo vel pulvinar pulvinar, augue magna semper sem, ac sagittis erat est nec lacus. Morbi sed dolor iaculis, pellentesque sem ac, aliquet massa. Vivamus dictum auctor ullamcorper.}\f1\fs22\cf0\par\pard\plain\s1\qj\sl129\slmult0\sa129{\f1\fs22\cf0 Aenean sed dignissim ante. Pellentesque vel sapien et ligula elementum varius id eget ligula. Nam leo est, semper ut accumsan consectetur, imperdiet at erat. Aenean mollis tortor vel pellentesque tempor. Praesent feugiat turpis at nulla ultrices gravida. Vivamus et massa ipsum. Etiam sit amet facilisis ipsum, id tincidunt mauris. Duis vel lacinia tortor. Nulla facilisi. Sed vel nulla sed velit commodo sagittis. Vestibulum sagittis leo dolor, non fringilla urna semper id.}\f1\fs22\cf0\par\pard\plain\s1\qj\sl129\slmult0\sa129{\f1\fs22\cf0 Integer eu mollis turpis, a tristique nisi. In ullamcorper tempus eros sed laoreet. Donec lacinia tortor sit amet hendrerit accumsan. Vivamus at felis nulla. Quisque magna orci, ultricies ut massa at, semper porttitor nulla. Nunc laoreet lorem posuere facilisis lacinia. Sed convallis sem in mauris posuere, a interdum nulla tincidunt.}\f1\fs22\cf0\par\pard\plain\s1\qj\sl129\slmult0\sa129{\f1\fs22\cf0 Praesent vel augue commodo, blandit tortor malesuada, commodo felis. Cras fermentum porttitor metus, bibendum aliquam lacus rutrum non. Nunc urna lacus, imperdiet vel magna ut, bibendum dictum nibh. Phasellus accumsan ante a tellus tempor consectetur. Sed vestibulum, sem non vulputate scelerisque, sapien nisl mattis diam, suscipit rutrum magna ligula vel neque. Proin luctus nec metus luctus ultricies. Phasellus ac imperdiet sem. In tristique nisi purus, id tempus neque tincidunt non. Phasellus aliquet placerat sagittis. Quisque elit est, consequat et faucibus et, accumsan id ligula. Aenean quis sapien sit amet ligula elementum pharetra a in arcu.}\f1\fs22\par}v

Hi Claude,

Thanks for your inquiry. I tested the scenario and have managed to reproduce the same problem on my side. For the sake of correction, I have logged this problem in our issue tracking system as WORDSNET-10053. Our development team will further look into the details of this problem and we will keep you updated on the status of correction. We apologize for your inconvenience.

Best regards,

Hi, is there any ETA or anything new about this problem? Any update on the status of the correction?Otherwise if i buy priority support is there an estimated maximum delivery time ?

Thank you

Hi Claude,

Thanks for your inquiry. Unfortunately, your issue is not resolved yet. Our development team is currently doing analysis of this issue to determine the exact root cause of this problem. Once the analysis of this issue is completed, we will then be able to share the ETA. We apologize for your inconvenience.

PS: If this issue is important to you, and for the fast resolution of this issue, please have a look at enhanced support options - e.g. purchasing Priority Support will allow you to post your issues in our Priority Support forum and raise the priority of these issues directly with our development teams, if possible, we will then aim to get a resolution to your issue as soon as we can. Many Priority Support customers find that this leads to their issue being fixed in the next release of the software.

If you would like to take advantage of Enhanced Support then please request a quote in our purchase forum - http://www.aspose.com/community/forums/aspose.purchase/220/showforum.aspx

Best regards,

Almost a year. Any ETA?

Hi Claude,

Thanks for being patient. We have good news for you i.e. our development team has resolved this issue and they have planned to include the fix to your issue in 14.12.0 release of Aspose.Words. We will inform you via this thread as soon as a release containing the fix to your issue is published in next few days.

Best regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-10053) have been fixed in this .NET update and this Java update.

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