Different languages

Maybe my question is banal. In Your demo installed on my local computer, I’ve change one of the file to see how Aspose.Pdf works with Polish letters.
In AlphabeticalList.cs in line 57 instead of :
dateSeg.Content = dateTime.ToString(“d”,DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
i’ve put this:
dateSeg.Content = “aszcló”;
And in a genereted Pdf, insted of Polish letters I’ve received wrong signs.
What I should do to work corectly with Polish letters?

Dear Chrisek,

Thanks for your consideration.

I am sorry, there is a bug in the unicode support. A fix will be available in several days.

Can You inform me via email about that?

Hi Chrisek,

Normally, for each [hot fix] (http://www.aspose.com/Products/Aspose.Pdf/Intro/Hotfix.html), we announce its availability in this forum. You may check back here in several days.

However, if you have checked Enable Email tracking at [Profile] (http://forums.aspose.com/User/EditUserProfile.aspx), you will be automatically notified when the hot fix is available.

Dear Chrisek,

Thanks for your consideration.

The defect in the unicode support is more complex than we originally anticipated. We have had to delay this correction to meet other commitments for our next hotfix. We will add complete support for unicode after the current work (nested table support) is completed. The fix for unicode support will be available in mid-August.