Digital signature - PdfFileSignature


I am trying to add a digital signature to a pdf.

The problem is:

1. I can't add signatureApperance (gif). X is shown. See attached screenshot.

2. How I know what SignModal and CertificationLevel I need?

3. In the pdf file I get: " The document certification is not valid." See attached screenshot.

Thank you for considering aspose product.

1.Please attach the pdf document in the post, and it can help us to investigate this problem.
2.The SignModel represents the name of the preferred signature handler to use
when validating this signature. Our kit supports SelfSign(“Adobe.PPKLite”),VerifySign(“VeriSign.PPKVS”) and WindowsCertificate(“Adobe.PPKMS”),and you can choose one of them according to your requirement.
3.The CertificationLevel indicate the your specification of which changes to the document will invalidate the signature. The meaning of the value are as below:
NotCertified represents not validating signature,
CertifiedNoChangeAllowed represents that no changes to the document are permitted, any change to the document invalidates the signature.
CertifiedFromFilling represents that permitted changes are filling in forms, instantiating page templates,and signing; other changes invalidate the signature.
CertifiedFromFillingAndAnnotations that permitted changes are the same as for CERTIFIED_FORM_FILLING, as well as annotation creation,deletion, and modification; other changes invalidate the signature.


I attached the Pdf and also the pfx file.

I wish you post the original pdf document(not the generated pdf document),thank you.


I created the pdf from scratch. There was'nt an original one.

I have used your code to generate the original pdf document,but i can not get a proper document,maybe some fonts are missing in my machine.You can generate this original pdf document in you application and send it to me,thank you.