How can i check if a array formula is a cse legacy array formula or a normal array formula?
I made an excel file with both
var workbook =
new Workbook(@"\ArrayFormulas.xlsx");
Worksheet sheet1 = workbook.Worksheets[0];
Cell cellA12 = sheet1.Cells["A12"]; // {=SUM(A2:A10*B2:B10)} cse legacy formula
bool isArrayFormulaA12 = cellA12.IsArrayFormula;
// true
Cell cellB12 = sheet1.Cells["B12"];
bool isArrayFormulaB12 = cellB12.IsArrayFormula; // =SUM(A2:A10*B2:B10)
// true (7.2 KB)
Both cells are arrayformulas, but I can’t see which formula is the cse formula.
After I extract the excel xml data.
ArrayFormulas.png (45.7 KB)
And open the xml in a editor I can se that the normal array formula has as attribute on the cell xml cm=“1”. Is there a function to maybe read that attribute?
Is there a way to know if a formula is legacy formula or normal formula?