Doc preview truncate

I’m generate a doc with aspose words and i’ve got a problem in word preview : doc is truncated.
page builder, setup part is :

Dim builder As Words.DocumentBuilder = New Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder(New Words.Document())
With builder
    With .PageSetup                        
        .TopMargin = Words.ConvertUtil.MillimeterToPoint(docMargeTopBottomMm)
        .BottomMargin = Words.ConvertUtil.MillimeterToPoint(docMargeTopBottomMm)
        .LeftMargin =  Words.ConvertUtil.MillimeterToPoint(docMargeMm)
        .RightMargin = Words.ConvertUtil.MillimeterToPoint(docMargeMm)
        .HeaderDistance =Words.ConvertUtil.MillimeterToPoint(docPrintHeaderFooterMm)
        .FooterDistance =Words.ConvertUtil.MillimeterToPoint(docPrintHeaderFooterMm)
   End With
End With

join my doc : go to print preview and you see a partial view of doc.

thanks for your help.

Bonus : Bug in this forum, creation topic, if i clic on “fullscreen icon” top of div is under header and can’t exit fullscreen mode, because your website topHeader class is in fixed position.

tmp.docx (10.3 KB)

@conan76 Could you please elaborate your problem a bit more? Please attach a screenshot of the problem. I tried to open your document in MS Word and go to print preview and document is displayed without issue.
The only issue I have noticed with your document is that part of web page is appended to the end of the file and it causes error while opening the file, to avoid this add Respose.End() after sending the document to the clients browser.