doc1.Range.Bookmarks("agency").Font.StrikeThrough = true

I have a bookmark in a doc, I can do that:
doc1.Range.Bookmarks("agency").Text = "Agnecy",
how can I change the font style of this bookmark item?
eg: doc1.Range.Bookmarks("agency").Font.StrikeThrough = true
Please help


Thanks for your request. I think that you can try using the following code to achieve this.

Document doc = new Document(@"Test160\in.doc");
// Insert text into the bookmark
doc.Range.Bookmarks["myBookmark"].Text = "text in bookmark";
// Get next node after bookmark start
Node currentNode = doc.Range.Bookmarks["myBookmark"].BookmarkStart.NextSibling;
// Change font of each run inside bookmark
while (currentNode.NodeType != NodeType.BookmarkEnd)
    if (currentNode.NodeType == NodeType.Run)
        (currentNode as Run).Font.StrikeThrough = true;
    // Move to next node
    currentNode = currentNode.NextSibling;
// Save output document

Hope this helps.
Best regards.

It’s work. thanks a lot