The slides 16.1.0 used. I want to use below code to modify the documentProperties of presentation.
However, I find the documentProperties.setHyperlinkBase can not work on the SaveFormat.Ppt. After presentation generated, the value of hyperlink base always empty.
SaveFormat.Pptx can generated proper value, but I cannot used this option due to my customer still using old power point version.
I also try to create a presentation based on a template which hyperlink base already been set, however, when I generate the new docproperties.ppt, the value re-set as empty value.
//Create an instance of Presentation class
Presentation presentation = new Presentation();
//Create a reference to IDocumentProperties object associated with Presentation
IDocumentProperties documentProperties = presentation.getDocumentProperties();
// Set the built in properties
documentProperties.setTitle ("IBM BlueworksLive Blueprint Presentation");
documentProperties.setComments ( "Generated by IBM BlueworksLive");
documentProperties.setCompany("IBM"); + "docproperties.ppt", SaveFormat.Ppt); + "docproperties.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);