Docx Document taking too long for conversion

@RChilli_Nidhi Sure, you can request a temporary 30-days license to test Aspose.Words without evaluation version limitations.

Thanks for the reply!

Let me check with team and get back to you on this

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We are planning to buy the latest Aspose.Words for Java. But required clarification on one point.

There is a period mentioned for 1 year, what does this actually mean?
Could you please clarify this?

@RChilli_Nidhi If you purchased a license for Aspose.Words, it means you have a 1-year subscription for free upgrades to any new Aspose.Words version that comes out. Any Aspose.Words version released before the subscription expiry date can be used perpetually with your license.


Can we still utilise the same licence after a year? Is there a limitation on it, or may we use the same licence for however long we want?

@RChilli_Nidhi Yes, you can use the same license perpetually with Aspose.Words version released before the license expiration date.

Okay, Thank you!

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Hi Alexey,

We are looking to buy the Aspose.PDF License.
Is there a way to get the temporary license for testing the PDF Document Conversion?

@RChilli_Nidhi Sure, please request a temporary license as described here:

Okay, thanks!

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A post was split to a new topic: PDF document taking too long for conversion