DOCX images support

Does Aspose.Words ( currently supports loading images from docx files? Our tests so far show that it doesn’t. Is there any estimation about when images will be supported for docx?

Along the same lines, is there a list of missing features in the support for importing docx, as you had when you announced’s support for docx export? We would like to try the beta if it’s fairly complete.

Thank you for reporting to us. I managed to reproduce the problem. I created an issue #3927 in our defects database. Please expect a reply before the next hotfix (within 2-3 weeks). Also note that export/import of DOCX files is currently in beta.
Best regards.

We have released a new version of Aspose.Words that contains a fix for this issue.

Issue #3927 - Images are lost when importing DOCX

The new version of Aspose.Words is available for download from here.

But note that there are two different ways images and shapes can be included in OOXML documents: VML and DrawingML. VML images and shapes are supported by Aspose.Words in DOCX files. However, DrawingML is not yet supported. We are still working on DOCX import and that includes supporting DrawingML. I think full support for DrawingML will come out in March.
Best regards.