DOCX to PDF conversion issue with font using C#


We’re using Aspose.Words to convert docx to pdf. When we run conversion on developers machines with MS Office installed, we have no issues whatsoever, but when our app deployed to app service in Azure, some of the documents are not converted properly because of the missing fonts.

Some of the office fonts (like Calibri) are not included in default Windows installation (and linux as well), and they are not available to install as separate package.
I know I can copy these fonts from my local machine to the server, but can I do that from legal point of view? Does MS license allows that?
What do you advice in that situation (we want to be sure that all documents created in MS Office are converted properly).



Please note that Aspose.Words requires TrueType fonts when rendering document to fixed-page formats (JPEG, PNG, PDF or XPS). You need to install fonts that are used in your document on the machine where you are converting documents to PDF. Please refer to the following articles:

Using TrueType Fonts
Manipulating and Substitution TrueType Fonts

Your query is more related to Microsoft. So, please ask it in relevant forum.

Please let us know if you have any more queries about Aspose.Words.

I was thinking that it may be common issue, and you may know the answer :slight_smile:
Anyway, thank you for your answer!