DOCX to PDF - Output is not WYSIWYG

Hi Asad

Please see attached a sample.
DOCX.Save(“doc.pdf”) is not Wysiwyg on page 8, using the simple code

var doc = new words.Document(@".\088714862406R002.docx");

Dealing with PdfSaveFormatOptions param don’t changed anything… or maybe we didn’t do the good combination ?

Please how can we ensure that outputed pdf will be Wysiwyg ?
Is there a “magical all-in-one option” nevermind the inputed doc ?

Many thanks.

NB :

  • both DOCX and PDF were rendered using Aspose.Words for .Net v23.1,
  • testing the same with the lastest v24.4 don’t changed anything.
  • saving this DOCX as PDF with Word2016 renders a well formatted PDF !

088714862406R002.docx (113.9 KB)
088714862406R002.pdf (190.9 KB)
088714862406R002_Word2016.pdf (934.8 KB)

No better results with these options
(exhaustive list of availables options, mainly defaults values were used)

Please which ones of them are responsible of the wisywig output for this docx ?

var pdfOptions = new words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions();
pdfOptions.AdditionalTextPositioning = true;
pdfOptions.AllowEmbeddingPostScriptFonts = true;
pdfOptions.CacheBackgroundGraphics = true;
pdfOptions.ColorMode = words.Saving.ColorMode.Normal;
pdfOptions.Compliance = words.Saving.PdfCompliance.PdfA4;
pdfOptions.CreateNoteHyperlinks = true;
pdfOptions.CustomPropertiesExport = words.Saving.PdfCustomPropertiesExport.Standard;
pdfOptions.CustomTimeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.Local;
pdfOptions.DefaultTemplate = string.Empty;
//pdfOptions.DigitalSignatureDetails = new words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureDetails();
pdfOptions.DisplayDocTitle = true;
pdfOptions.Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode = words.Saving.Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode.Advanced;
pdfOptions.DmlEffectsRenderingMode = words.Saving.DmlEffectsRenderingMode.None;
pdfOptions.DmlRenderingMode = words.Saving.DmlRenderingMode.DrawingML;
//pdfOptions.DownsampleOptions = new words.Saving.DownsampleOptions();
pdfOptions.EmbedAttachments = false;
pdfOptions.EmbedFullFonts = true;
//pdfOptions.EncryptionDetails = new words.Saving.PdfEncryptionDetails();
pdfOptions.ExportDocumentStructure = true;
pdfOptions.ExportGeneratorName = true;
pdfOptions.ExportLanguageToSpanTag = true;
pdfOptions.ExportParagraphGraphicsToArtifact = true;
pdfOptions.FontEmbeddingMode = words.Saving.PdfFontEmbeddingMode.EmbedAll;
pdfOptions.HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode = words.Saving.HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode.All;
pdfOptions.ImageColorSpaceExportMode = words.Saving.PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode.Auto;
pdfOptions.ImageCompression = words.Saving.PdfImageCompression.Auto;
pdfOptions.ImlRenderingMode = words.Saving.ImlRenderingMode.InkML;
pdfOptions.InterpolateImages = true;
pdfOptions.JpegQuality = 100;
pdfOptions.MemoryOptimization = true;
//pdfOptions.MetafileRenderingOptions = new words.Saving.MetafileRenderingOptions();
pdfOptions.NumeralFormat = words.Saving.NumeralFormat.European;
pdfOptions.OpenHyperlinksInNewWindow = true;
pdfOptions.OptimizeOutput = false;
//pdfOptions.OutlineOptions = new words.Saving.OutlineOptions();
pdfOptions.PageLayout = words.Saving.PdfPageLayout.SinglePage;
pdfOptions.PageMode = words.Saving.PdfPageMode.UseNone;
//pdfOptions.PageSet = new words.Saving.PageSet();
pdfOptions.PreblendImages = false;
pdfOptions.PreserveFormFields = false;
pdfOptions.PrettyFormat = false;
pdfOptions.SaveFormat = words.SaveFormat.Pdf;
pdfOptions.TextCompression = words.Saving.PdfTextCompression.None;
pdfOptions.UpdateCreatedTimeProperty = false;
pdfOptions.UpdateFields = false;
pdfOptions.UpdateLastPrintedProperty = false;
pdfOptions.UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty = false;
pdfOptions.UseAntiAliasing = false;
pdfOptions.UseBookFoldPrintingSettings = false;
pdfOptions.UseCoreFonts = false;
pdfOptions.UseHighQualityRendering = false;
pdfOptions.ZoomBehavior = words.Saving.PdfZoomBehavior.FitPage;
//pdfOptions.ZoomFactor = 100;
doc.Save(@".\088714862406R002_pdfOptions.pdf", pdfOptions);

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Hi Alexey
Hope you will found a patch for a future next release
Many thanks

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