Docx with tokens to be replaced used to generate PDF

I am new to Aspose. I am an Architect at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). I am challenged with creating a proof of Concept that Aspose can be used to start with a Word 2007 docx file that has tokens positioned in it, and thenreplace the token values from some data source, finally creating a PDF. Can the Document Builder do that? What does the tempalte document look like in the Document Builder demo. Can you send me the Word document in the Document Builder demo? What are the replacement tokens formatted like? Is there <> around them, or how are they delimited. If I can make this work PwC will use Aspose for the solution.
Sincerely, Joe Kahl

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Hi Joe,
Thanks for considering Aspose.
I think Mail Merge will be the easiest method to achieve what you are looking for. Please take a look at the documentation for mail merge here. You can see a demo of this in the Demo page found here. Also you can download a fully functioning version to test with from the downloads page here. This version contains the full functionality but has evaluation watermarks added to the generated output without a license set.
If you need any assitance please feel free to ask, I am glad to help.